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Pregnancy Discharge

Pregnancy Discharge
It is normal to have an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy, but it is best to discuss with a midwife or other health care professional the nature of the discharge in case of problems. The root causes behind vaginal discharge in pregnant women are the same as the causes in those who are not pregnant.
These causes are:
o Hormonal activity,
o Infection,
o Non-infective irritation,
o Cervical ectropion (cervical erosion)
Hormonal Activity
It is quite normal for increased hormonal activity to lead to an increase in normal vaginal emissions. Clear or whitish mucous based discharge known as Leukorrhea, which is non irritant and mild smelling, can increase substantially while pregnant. Panty liners can be used to control these increased emissions, but tampons and douching are not advised as they can cause problems.
Discharges that are smelly, discoloured, irritant or bloodstained need to be assessed for infection. This will probably involve the use of swabs in order to find out the type or types of infection suspected.
The two most common infections are:
o Candidiasis (thrush)
o Bacterial vaginosis
Commonly known as thrush or yeast infection, emissions from candidiasis are characterised as being whitish or whitish grey in colour, having a lumpy consistency similar to cottage cheese and a yeasty smell like beer or baking bread. These infections occur when the yeast organisms, which are always present, are affected by certain conditions, including pregnancy, and become out of balance with the other natural micro organisms. For the treatment of thrush, various home remedies are said to work quite well. Ingestion or direct application of yoghurt will help to kill the yeast organisms as it contains lactobacillus which is a probiotic or "friendly bacteria". The use of garlic and boric acid are also said to be effective. Various prescription antifungal drugs exist to treat candidiasis:
o Clotrimazole (e.g. Canesten) whilst no adequate tests have been performed on pregnant women (as is common with most drugs), no adverse effects on the foetuses of pregnant animals have been found in tests.
o Nystatin (e.g. Mikostat, Mycostatin oral and Restatin) has a similar safety status to the above.
o Fluconazole (e.g. Diflucan, Flucand and Flucoheal) also has not been adequately tested on pregnant women.Tests on animals do indicate adverse effects and toxicity on foetuses but the drug could be prescribed if the benefits were thought to outweigh any potential dangers.
o Ketoconazole (e.g. Nizoral creams and shampoos) has a similar safety status to the above.
Other drugs are used in more severe cases, usually in hospitals.
Sugar intake is a factor that affects yeast infections, and it is sometimes recommended that cutting back on refined sugars is a good idea.
Bacterial Vaginosis
This condition is also related to the balance of micro organisms present in the vagina, and is characterised by watery non irritant discharge with an unpleasant fishy smell. BV is thought to increase the risk of premature labour threefold, so it is especially important that it is treated. Antibiotics like metronidazole (e.g. Anazol and Elyzol) are used to treat BV. This drug although not adequately tested on pregnant women, has not been found to indicate any risks to animal foetuses in studies
Other Infections
Trichomoniasis is usually transmitted through sexual intercourse. Symptoms include soreness and a greenish yellow or grey discharge that is foul smelling. It can affect both sexes, therefore partners must also be treated to avoid passing it back and forth. Treatment is usually by prescribed antibiotics.
Chlamydia is also sexually transmitted and sometimes results in discharge. It is more common to have light bleeding especially after intercourse and sometimes pain in the pelvic and lower abdominal region.
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Yoga exercises for pregnant women:Pregnancy is characterized with mood swings, sickness, and fatigue. 
Always consult a midwife, doctor or health visitor if you suspect an infection before attempting any course of action.
Non Infective Irritations
Non infective irritation, or non infective vaginitis, is fairly self explanatory. The symptoms are irritation, itching and sometimes vaginal discharge without there being any infection. Causes of this condition can be:
o Reaction to toiletries, vaginal deodorants, fabric softeners etc,
o Wearing tights, exercise pants etc,
o Sweating,
o Wearing a wet bathing suit,
o Sexual activity.
Treatments for this condition should be discussed with a doctor. Precautionary measures include:
o Wearing cotton underwear
o Cleaning the vaginal area from front to back to avoid contamination
o Not wearing too constrictive clothing around vaginal area
o Not scratching
o Avoiding that which may trigger reaction, vaginal deodorants etc.
Cervical Ectropion (Cervical erosion)
This is a fairly common condition during pregnancy as it is affected by changes in hormones. It involves a shifting of a delicate membrane in the cervix area which contains mucus producing glands. This in turn can lead to vaginal discharge of a mucous like nature and also some light bleeding which is painless.
The Mucus Plug
The mucus plug is like a gel sealant inside the cervix which protects the foetus from infection by sealing the mouth of the uterus. Expulsion of the mucus plug is also sometimes called "bloody show". The mucous discharge is usually brownish yellow, sometimes pinkish in colour.
Along with a general increase and thickening of discharge that may occur as the pregnancy nears labour, there can be quite a lot of mucous when the mucous plug loosens, which can be a sign that labour is imminent. Although it could be a matter of hours, days or even weeks until the cervix becomes fully dilated.
Bleeding in Pregnancy
There are many reasons why vaginal bleeding may happen during pregnancy. Some of these reasons have already been covered. It is not unheard of for women to experience some bleeding during early pregnancy around the time they would normally have their menstrual cycle. In some cases this can continue throughout the pregnancy. There can also be some bleeding in the very early stages of pregnancy at the implantation stage of the fertilized egg. Bleeding can also occur later on due to the placenta embedding itself in the lining of the uterus.
Bleeding in early Pregnancy
Other reasons why bleeding could occur in the first trimester are threatened miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. In the case of threatened miscarriage, bleeding can be brown spotting, blood stained discharge or bright red bleeding. There could also be abdominal pain. A midwife or doctor should be consulted if there is any vaginal bleeding.
The highest time of risk for miscarriages is immediately after implantation. It is estimated that 50% of all fertilized eggs fail to remain in place. This results in many unnoticed miscarriages as the eggs simply come away with normal or slightly delayed periods. It is thought that 80% of all miscarriages happen in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, often around the times when the monthly cycle should be.
Ectopic pregnancy is where the embryo is implanted outside the womb, usually in the fallopian tube. This is a potentially very dangerous condition which could lead to haemorrhaging if not diagnosed in time. Abdominal pain, caused as the tube becomes distended, tends to happen around the second month of pregnancy, and vaginal bleeding is often also present. A scan will be taken to confirm any diagnosis of suspected ectopic pregnancy.
Bleeding in later stages of Pregnancy
Any bleeding that takes place after 28 weeks is known as ante-partum haemorrhage and could be caused by one of two potentially serious conditions.
Placenta praevia occurs when a low lying placenta blocks the entrance to the cervix. This complication affects approximately 0.5% of pregnancies. Women who are at greater risk of placenta praevia include those who have had caesarean delivery or an abortion.
Placental abruption occurs when the placenta comes away from the wall of the womb. This occurs in about 1% of pregnant women. A major factor in this complication is maternal hypertension.
If bleeding suddenly occurs in the late stages of pregnancy, the women should lie down and arrangements should be made to immediately get her to hospital.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/157839

Yoga exercises for pregnant women

Yoga exercises for pregnant women:Pregnancy is characterized with mood swings, sickness, and fatigue. At this time, you need exercises that will help you ease these conditions. One of the best exercises that you can engage in is yoga. Although, yoga is such an integral exercise, not all yoga poses are ideal during this time. Here are a few yoga poses that you should engage in during pregnancy.
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Twisted pose (Vakrasna)
This pose has profound benefits on your legs, hands, neck, and spine.
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To assume this pose you need to sit erect with your feet in front of you. You should then inhale and raise your arms at the shoulder level with your palms facing down. At this position, you should exhale then twist your body from your waist by moving your head and hands at the same time. If you want to twist your body to the right, you should move your head and hands to the right.
The same thing applies to when you want to twist your body to the left. You should maintain in the twisted position for some time until you feel tense,yoga exercises for pregnant women after which you should inhale and return to the original position. When twisting your body, you should avoid bending your knees.
Chair pose (Utkatasana)
This pose aids in straightening the thigh and pelvic muscles.
To assume the pose, you need to stand tall with your feet at least 12 inches apart. You should then inhale for two seconds and raise your arms at your shoulder level while ensuring that your palms are facing down. At this position, you should slowly exhale and sit in a squat position (on your toes).
If you feel uncomfortable standing on your toes, you should stand normally with your feet flat on the ground. With your hands still raised, you should raise yourself up and stand on your toes. You should maintain in this position for some time until you feel tense. For maximum benefits, you should repeat this pose for at least five times.
Stick pose (Yastikasana)
This pose corrects body posture, relieves body tension, and stretches the body.
To assume the pose you need to lie down on your back, straighten your legs, and ensure that your body is in one line. At this position, you should inhale and rest your hands on the floor while you stretch upward.
You should maintain in this position for some time and when you feel tense you should return to normal position. For maximum benefits, you should repeat this pose for 3-4 times-of course taking regular breaks.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8226908

Exercise classes for pregnant women

Most women realize that they are exercising is a good thing during pregnancy, but where to start? You probably know that you do not get started on a marathon or swim across the English Channel , as well as some good and safe exercises that you can do when you are pregnant ?

- witch kind of exercise classes for pregnant women is better ?

Yoga is not restorative effect of exercise certainly great benefits , pregnant or not. This type of yoga involves using blocks , blankets and pillows or other accessories to support the in some poses . Instead of power yoga is restorative yoga to the body in a comfortable position . Of course, the remainder is not to sleep or follow those Tips to make meals healthy foods for pregnancy and shallots delicious use

The goal of yoga is to heal and emotional and physical renewal. By stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, the heart rate and blood pressure less supportive and healthy immune system and the endocrine system. He stressed that many of those exercise classes for pregnant women involved in restorative yoga notes feel better , better, and less sleep.

Other forms of exercise are good for pregnant women include water aerobics , cycling , and other options are - or low impact . Just walking around the block a little can also be good exercising while pregnant , as long as you choose a comfortable shoe . Avoid exercises that you in the back. , But You want to drink plenty of water and wear loose clothing to cool and should not train until you . Just enough to make you feel good and full of energy.

It is exercises for pregnant women are in some gyms and fertility clinics available , the check also . Whatever you do , practice what you do or how easy you think it is exercise classes for pregnant women , check with your doctor.  To ensure that it is safe Pregnancy is a time in your life when your body additional pressure. To add to it unnecessarily.

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Five weeks pregnant symptoms

see more on 5 weeks pregnant pictures
You may think you can not do much to your baby, but if you are 5 weeks pregnant , but that's not the case. Many women have no idea they are pregnant at this time , but if you do, there are some things that begin to do, and then there are things that you stop smoking immediately . Your baby , as this stage is so small that it can not be seen on an ultrasound, but it is a very important in the development of pregnancy time. Take care of yourself and your baby .

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If you become pregnant your baby is five weeks pregnant symptoms in you has been growing for three weeks. Two weeks before becoming pregnant spot , which means that you only have a week if you expect to get your period happened . The egg has been fertilized , and then moved through the fallopian tube to implant in the uterus. Once done , the cells begin to grow rapidly , and more. You should get a positive pregnancy test result at this stage any time of day you take .

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For one, if you smoke , drink , or any type of medication , now is the time to stop. The health of your baby depends on it. This can be hard to stop things to help someone who will support you through this time to find. If you are taking any prescription drug , call your doctor or pharmacist and even say you are five weeks pregnant and want to know if your medicines are safe to take or not. They can tell you , the risks involved and suggest alternatives if some of them are not safe in each case.

In addition to the things that should be left in your body ,five weeks pregnant symptoms if you are five weeks pregnant , there are things you start . On one hand, a good prenatal vitamin is essential . This pill helps ensure you get what you need for yourself but not only for your baby .what is 5 weeks pregnant symptoms meaning ?. They are inexpensive and can be found everywhere . You should also your intake of green leafy vegetables . Works in healthy food around, and cut the foods you know you should not eat so you can help to gain weight at a healthy level .

Five weeks of pregnancy is a good time to call and make an appointment with your doctor. You will not immediately see if you are due to the latest developments in the risk of miscarriage . Once you see your doctor , you can tell more about pregnancy to stay healthy. At the same time , go out and find good leaders of pregnancy that can show what to do, what not to do and have everything you need to wait before the baby arrives . Do not start buying baby clothes and worrying about the nursery, however, more to relax and sleep when you need it , you will be very tired very soon , if not already .

5 Weeks Pregnant Pictures

Watch 5 Weeks pregnant pictures: Women begin to experience the symptoms of pregnancy , when it pregnant 5 weeks. Although the expectant mother is not pregnant , her body many changes. More importantly, changes radically body as the child grows in the womb.

you can read more about: Mens guide to pregnancy

Fetal growth
He called a pregnant woman , the fetus h 5 weeks, the child. And although not much developed , he has a heart. During early pregnancy, the kidney and the heart begins to develop . The neural tube , the brain and the spinal cord connects closed. Show ultrasound of the fetus buds that the upper and lower limbs begin to develop. This arms and legs to be his son . You can also see that the features at this stage of embryonic development. The gills clearly , and if its the retina.

Changes in women
Most pregnant women suffer from the symptoms of early pregnancy . Some pregnant women have their first bouts of morning sickness . Strong smells this awful feeling wear during pregnancy.

Chest pain and tenderness is another common that most pregnant women have symptoms five weeks . High levels of hormones in the body is the reason for this sensitivity . As soon as the hormone level to stabilize , and also reduces the sensitivity .

High levels of the hormone can also lead to breast enhancement . It will start mammary glands and blood formation in the breasts. These changes prepare the breasts to feed the baby in the future.

5 weeks pregnant pictures urination. This offer is for the first three months of pregnancy and the last very frequently. In the first quarter due to the hormonal changes that . In the last three months of pregnancy , the uterus increasingly bladder contracts , limiting the capacity of the bladder. In addition, in the fourth quarter , and women produce more urine , and therefore must often go to the toilet.

At this stage in the first quarter , and pregnant women often feel tired and often with daytime sleepiness began . There is nothing to fear, just because your body is telling you that you need to take more rest . Resting is important because it promotes the healthy growth of the fetus .

Increased appetite , increased basal body temperature and a metallic taste in the mouths of other symptoms experienced by pregnant women in this stage of pregnancy . Recognizing these symptoms is very important. In addition, it is also important to recognize the early signs of pregnancy .

Although spotting during your first trimester is not uncommon, spotting during your second and/or third trimester may be an indication of a serious problem.

where's the warning Signs for 5 weeks pregnant pictures ?!!
Some of the warning signs at an early stage of pregnancy follows:

I believe that there is something wrong
severe headache
Increased thirst , but with little or no urination
severe vomiting
Inflammation or swelling of face, eyes and hands
This can show the warning signs that something is wrong with the pregnancy. Under such circumstances, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately. It will help you to recognize the warning signs to seek medical help in a timely manner.
Another thing that is very important during pregnancy to take care of you. 5 weeks pregnant , women should eat right to ensure that your child all the nutrients for growth. A healthy diet and moderate exercise are the key to a successful pregnancy . Regular doctor visits also ensure that your child is growing inside you right.

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Spotting 5 weeks pregnant

Although spotting during your first trimester is not uncommon, spotting during your second and/or third trimester may be an indication of a serious problem. This spotting is just a light amount of blood that is discharged through the vagina. To rule out any complications, you should discuss any spotting you notice with your health care provider. This article will show you 5 of the most common causes of spotting during pregnancy.
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1. Exertion...
Climbing up the stairs, lifting of heavy stuff, standing for a long period of time and strenuous exercises can all lead to physical exertion. This in turn can lead to spotting. You should endeavor to minimize any physical activity that you know can lead to exertion and try to rest as much as you can.
2. Implantation...
Eggs that have been fertilized attach themselves to the womb or uterine wall; this process is referred to as implantation. When this happens, spotting may occur, usually after the first two weeks after implantation. These may last for a period of time spanning from a few hours to a few days and is not something to worry about because it is a normal process.
3. Mucus Plug...
If you notice that your spotting involves a mucus discharge, then what you are experiencing is actually called or referred to as the mucus plug. What this indicates is that your labor may be near. The mucus plug usually occurs a few weeks before the onset of your labor.
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4. Sexual Intercourse...
During pregnancy, spotting may occur after having sexual intercourse. This is not something to avoid or be afraid of; this is because this spotting is mostly due to friction caused by the penis' contact with your cervix or with the vaginal walls. This normally wouldn't be a problem but it is so now due to the fact that being pregnant has caused your cervix to become sensitive.
5. Miscarriage...
This type of spotting is bad news really. It consists of a much heavier volume of bleeding and is accompanied by cramps, blood clots, and pain in your lower back. You should be aware that most miscarriages occur within the first three months of pregnancy. This is not to say that they do not occur at any other period within your pregnancy term, but to emphasize the need to take it easy during your first trimester as this can be referred to as the "danger period" of miscarriage.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4001804

Pregnant what not to eat ???

When you're pregnant ,pregnant what not to eat? you've probably heard that there are some foods that can be helpful for you and your child so that each one of you to get all the proper nutrition . Get all the vitamins and minerals important for the proper development of your baby, and helps to keep you strong and healthy for the duration of your pregnancy as well. A food consultant to be useful to describe and implement a healthy diet , but also to ensure that the discussion of some of the foods you should try to avoid during pregnancy , as some may have a potential negative impact on the child .
At pregnant what not to eat ???

First , it may seem obvious, but avoid alcohol. The American Pregnancy Association says that there is no amount of alcohol known to be safe during pregnancy , it is probably best to avoid it altogether. Some may tell you it's OK to have a glass of wine from time to time , but it is best to avoid the risk and keep the wine in the closet for the next month until after the birth and will be even more breastfeeding .
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Do not eat raw meet while you are pregnant , either. Seafood and meat is thoroughly cooked rare or may pose a risk of contamination with Salmonella , E. coli bacteria and toxoplasmosis . If you eat meat , and make sure well cooked .

Also avoid eating fish that may contain high levels of mercury . And may include fish with high levels of mercury shark , swordfish , mackerel and filefish. If you eat tuna , and choose a song for canned light tuna , because it could be the level of mercury. However, avoid eating too much and eating tuna in some cases only . Sushi can also be a bad idea because it just did not believe ,Healthy foods for pregnancy but some fish may have high levels of mercury
pregnant what not to eat during this time :

Moreover, the meat can contain Listeria . This can cause an abortion , because they can infect the child and lead to negative consequences such as infection or even blood poisoning . If you must eat sausages , meat , and heating the first point to begin to steam before eating . There are many other options available to eat , but , if instead of a sandwich , it may be better to turn to another option.

Along these lines , smoked seafood , which can be a sign of smoked salmon , Nova , KIPPER or jerky can also contain listeria and should be avoided pregnant what not to eat. You can find this type of fish behind the deli counter at the supermarket your . If used as part of a meal that has been cooked , however, are generally allowed .