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Healthy foods for pregnancy

Healthy foods for pregnancy,have knowledge about the different types of essential nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy is not enough, you have to know more about the food sources that also provide these nutrients . For example , you probably already know that you and the growth of the child inside you need iron , fiber and folic acid to maintain good health , but did you know that you can easily get all these nutrients in adequate quantities while eating chives healthy foods for pregnancy ? Similarly , if you try to increase your calcium intake , you might consider adding figs to your diet . What follows is a brief overview of three very non-food - a common , but very tasty that can meet your nutritional needs very effectively .


Garlic contains almost all the nutrients you and your baby need, such as calcium, magnesium and vitamin B6, vitamin C, fiber and iron and folic acid ( folate ) . Magnesium is very important for you and your child because the nutrients magnesium and actively participates in more than three hundred cellular interactions that occur within the body of healthy foods for pregnancy. In addition, good foods to eat when pregnant and is connected to the development during this week ,magnesium is also useful in relieving many of the symptoms and discomforts , such as constipation common pregnancy . Sprinkle with chives in your diet can meet your needs magnesium .

In addition, each 2 tablespoons chives contain about 0.1 mg of iron , 3.5 mg of vitamin C and 6.4 micrograms of folic acid . Pregnant body needs a good amount of iron for proper growth of the baby , but your body needs an adequate amount of vitamin C as well healthy foods for pregnancy  as to the right of the absorption of iron. You can easily meet the requirements of all by eating chives . Folic acid , on the other hand , perhaps the most important nutrients for pregnant women , especially during the first three months of pregnancy. It is very important for you to keep in mind that a lack of folic acid in the body can cause structural abnormalities in the baby , which can be fatal . Functions of metabolism and health such as bone and muscle pregnant diet function and contraction of blood vessels based on the consumption of foods containing calcium.

Tips to make meals tasty and healthy pregnancy by chives
healthy foods for pregnancy period
Serving size - 2 tablespoons , chopped chives

- Get softened cheese and chopped chives and mix it then spread on a slice of bread , bread , biscuits or bread .
- Sprinkle chives on your baked potato
- Sprinkle in some soup or salad


Often described pregnant women healthy foods for pregnancy tablets , vitamins and minerals gorgeous, but did you know that leeks can be the equivalent of vegetables from all these tablets ? And the first cup leeks contain 0.4 micrograms of manganese and iron 2 micrograms 0.40 micrograms of vitamin K , and 0.2 mg of vitamin B6 and folate 60 micrograms of ( folic acid ) . In addition, the leeks are also a rich source of calcium , one cup of raw leeks contain 55 milligrams of calcium .

Where manganese plays a crucial role in the development of the skeleton of a natural child , and vitamin K is essential for the growth of healthy bones and good blood clot formation . Similarly , vitamin B6, not only reduces the tendency of nausea and dizziness morning , but it also plays an important role in the body's energy metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your healthy foods for pregnancy of course.
 In fact, the soft, sweet flavor of leeks is the perfect food to fight morning sickness . Calcium , however, can be very useful healthy foods for pregnancy in combating other common symptoms of pregnancy , such as leg pain , back pain, insomnia and irritability . Given the fact that you can get all of these nutrients while eating part of the leek , it should not be an exaggeration to say that this is the food wonderful power you should consider including your healthy foods for pregnancy.

Tips to make meals healthy foods for pregnancy and shallots delicious use

- I cup of raw shallots

- You can prepare the balls by lowering the base and tops of green fibrous stems and cut in half. You can then cut into small pieces . However , to ensure that all the grain is removed hidden , I strongly recommend you to rinse thoroughly before cutting into small pieces.
- You can try to add the mushrooms and shallot slices with chopped fresh ginger in a clear broth . This is delicious , you can eat without fear , even if your stomach is sensitive.

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