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4 to 5 weeks pregnant

What happens inside your body betwen  at 4 to 5 weeks pregnant
It's time to speculate, because there are still doubts about the pregnancy. It was confirmed during the fifth week when the body produces enough HCG to give you a "Yes ! " On the pregnancy test . It is then that the reason for joy and I am happy and proud of yourself is finally revealed  4 to 5 weeks pregnant !
Physically, you may experience some of the early pregnancy symptoms at 4 to 5 weeks pregnant , including ;
Mood swings
frequent urination
Breast tenderness
A feeling of fullness
mild cramping
Although , as you may have heard of " co- mothers " 4 to 5 weeks pregnant  and the provider of health care , every woman experiences pregnancy differently. It is not necessary that you will experience all of these symptoms.You may feel a little , and not one of them . If so , consider yourself lucky 4 to 5 weeks pregnant !
The increased blood flow in your body during the first quarter. This is to help transport oxygen and nutrients to the fetus maximum development . According to the website of the Mayo Clinic, the blood volume increases by 30 to 50 percent during pregnancy. As a result , the heart rate increases of 10-12 BPM (beats per minute) 4 to 5 weeks pregnant .
 This extra demand on the circulatory system can suddenly getting worn out simultaneously. Remember that your body is working very hard , even if you are resting . You need to take things slowly . Continue to drink plenty of water, regardless  4 to 5 weeks pregnant of the frequent urination that may be experiencing , eat well and rest well . All this comes together to help fight fatigue .
What about the baby at 4 to 5 weeks pregnant ?
This week, the yolk sac and amniotic cavity - forms - to wrap and protect your little dog bastard in the coming months . Your baby at 4 to 5 weeks pregnant  is developing into an embryo that consists of three layers. 
The top layer , called the ectoderm , is where the neural tube is formed . This is where the nervous system, including the spinal cord and brain 4 to 5 weeks pregnant , as well as hair and skin come .
The middle layer, called the mesoderm gives rise to bone 4 to 5 weeks pregnant , muscle, heart, kidney and reproductive organs over time.
The third layer is known as the endoderm and that's where the liver , bladder , intestines and pancreas baby grow thereafter  4 to 5 weeks pregnant .
The beginning of the connective rod eventually become the umbilical cord trained by the company. The baby's heart is close to perfection in the role this week. This implies that the circulatory system is the first system to start functioning in the body. Until the placenta 4 to 5 weeks pregnant  is complete and functional , a yolk sac - now present and joined as a small ball - you feed your baby . Gradually disappears as the placenta takes over this important task.
What will you cross at 4 to 5 weeks pregnant?

Once you are sure you are pregnant , the next step is to make an appointment with your gynecologist for her first prenatal visit 4 to 5 weeks pregnant  . If this is your first baby and no obstetrics gynecologist (OB ) , make sure you select yourself. Ask her and other mothers you may know , yourself survey practices , and be sure to make the right decision . Having a trusted gynecologist is essential , it is they who will guide you through the next eight months , after all! The sooner you start to select and visit one better.

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