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Brown discharge 5 weeks pregnant

Brown discharge 5 weeks pregnant Everyone knows morning sickness is a sign you might be pregnant , and the best known and obvious indicator of pregnancy is a menstrual cycle , right? Did you also know that vaginal discharge could likely be a sign of early pregnancy ? If not , read on for details.

Vaginal discharge that can be seen in your underwear or when you wipe after urination may vary in color from milky brown discharge 5 weeks pregnant white to pinkish brown. It is caused by increased levels of estrogen and blood flow to the vagina. It may seem that is especially if you see all the time your normal menstrual cycle begins. Pink brown is a bit of blood that might have been your previous menstrual cycle and nothing to be alarmed .

Not all women experience this type of vaginal discharge , either , so you will not see the release does not mean you are not pregnant ! You may very well be pregnant and not have this particular sign of early pregnancy brown discharge 5 weeks pregnant time. The important thing to remember is that every woman when she has twin pregnancy development week by week  and every pregnancy is different  .

Vaginal discharge is sometimes called a mucus plug because it blocks the cervical opening to protect your child against infections. As your pregnancy is reworked , if brown discharge 5 weeks pregnant your body will expel the mucus plug because of cervical dilation.

When experiencing vaginal discharge has no odor and is not accompanied by itching or burning , can be one of the first signs of early pregnancy . If you experience vaginal discharge is smelly and itchy , you should consult your gynecologist immediately. Your doctor will examine you , since you may have a brown discharge 5 weeks pregnant  a viral or bacterial infection or sexually transmitted disease that must be treated .

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